we’re the travel experts

Our passion for travel, family, and fond memories inspires us to help you build exciting adventures and lasting memories of your own. We make travel planning such a breeze, you’ll wish you could take us with you on your trip! 

woman standing by beach signs

Meet The Owner

Whenever Heather’s not enjoying her own vacations, she’s planning yours!

Embracing her passion for travel, heather took a leap of faith and opened a business to help others do what she loves, without the headache that comes with it

“There is nothing more rewarding for me than helping clients make their vacation dreams come true. My practical, down-to-earth nature and personal approach are my signature on everything I do. Since I have vacationed all over the world, I know the tricks and tips for planning affordable and memorable adventures. Working with me, you can expect a comfortable low-pressure environment with budget-friendly options. While the destinations I plan for change every day, one thing stays the same: the best part of my job is helping people create lasting memories with people they love.” – Heather

Heather created World of Wander because she knew there was a better way to plan travel


All of our travel advisors are pro planners and each one is a people person with their own area of travel expertise. You can be sure we will pair you with the team member that’s just the right fit to help you plan the perfect trip for you and your travel group.

Meet Our Team

Our travel advisors are destination specialists, and they can’t wait to meet you!

woman in front of a laptop smiling

As travel enthusiasts and professional advisors, our team knows how to deliver top-notch vacation advice. Let our team of experts simplify the chaos of vacation planning and sort through the confusion to help you create clear, crowd-pleasing options for your group’s travel plans. To us, there is nothing like watching our clients exhale and smile when they work with us — and return from their trips to share photos. No matter where on the globe you plan to go, World of Wander Travel has an expert who can get you there and even support you while on your travel journey.

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Let World of Wander Travel help guide you in planning your perfect vacation fit!