Vacation sounds like a breeze, but is often a whirlwind of last minute reservations, overweight luggage, and passports left on the kitchen counter by mistake. And while will always come with twists and turns, we’re breaking down the 20 most common “oops” items on your to-do list to make sure you’ll never be wandering without a map.
1. Passport Priorities
Make sure your entire group’s Passports are up to date and not buried in moving boxes from 3 years ago. Last minute passport renewals can get pricey and stressful, especially during popular travel seasons.
2. Mail Holding
Nothing gets in the way of that 20-day cruise around Italy like realizing you need to call the post office two days into the trip. Relax on your journey knowing your mail and papers are safely stowed until your return.

3. Pet Care
You’re all booked in that luxury villa, but the furriest member of your family will be begging for a spot at the kennel if you’re not planning pet care in advance.
4. Arrange Airport Transportation
Arranging your airport transportation, parking, and timing ahead of time means less to worry about on the day of your trip. Plus, planning ahead will guarantee you the best deals and most options!
5. Notify Your Credit Card Companies
Giving American Express a heads-up before you leave is much easier than navigating international call fees and inactive accounts due to fraud alerts once your trip begins. Better safe than sorry!

6. Make a Packing List
Take it from us: planning makes perfect! The best way to remember everything you need is to make a list and check things off as you go.
7. Review Your Travel Documents
Many locations and destinations require extra documentation and things that are much easier to get at home where your printer is than at a resort! Plan ahead to make sure your whole group is ready to relax in paradise.
8. Prepare for the Unpredictable
With exciting adventures and frequent excursions, accidents and incidents do come up. Make sure you’re equipped with first aid items, medications as needed, extra batteries, chargers, strong sunscreen, and emergency devices.
9. Capture Your Memories
The only problem with picture perfect moments is when we don’t have the pictures to remember them by! Come prepared with cameras, photographer reservations, and waterproof cases for every event.
10. Consider All of Your Travelers
With small families and large groups, it can be easy to get caught up in planning excursions for mom and dad without thinking about day camp for the kids. For the best possible trip, ask each member of your travel group what they are most excited for, what they really wish they could do, and what they are most worried about. The best vacations are a blast for everyone!